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52 Hertz (Remove filter)

Untuned Radio (52 hertz)

Fucking hell, what is that noise?

Waves of unwanted interference

fading in and out again,

your absence is more of a presence.


Breathe deep, shake my woeful head

attempting to retune my brain

to eliminate buzzing static,

transmitting me to join the insane.


Am I crazy? Or are you thinking of me?


In the crazy way - we used to be?


© Ka...

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52 Hertz

Of Katy and Narcissus (52 hertz)


In the gloom of dell

Command and repeat the spell

That held the blaze

Of you and me


Why did I jump so bold into your arms?



In the forest of grief

Tear and scatter the leaf

That held the hope

Of you and me


What made you torment both our souls?



In the river of vigour

Fade and smote the figure


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52 Hertz

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